AFFIDAVITE For admission

Admission Form

Higher Eduction Commission(HEC)
Supreme Court of Pakistan
Bar Council
Peshawar High Court
University Of Peshawar
Important Links
  1. The Library shall remain open according to timings notified by Principal Office.
  2. Library Timing:
  3. i) 09:00AM to 01:00PM

    ii) Circulation (issue & return) Timing 09:00AM to 01:00PM.

  4. Pin drop Silence should be observed in the library.
  5. Mobiles should be kept off. Use of Mobile Phones is strictly prohibited within the Library premises.
  6. Leave your personal belongings in the library entrance, on your own responsibility. The library disclaims any liability for loss or damage.
  7. Seats in the library cannot be reserved.
  8. Eating, drinking and smoking etc. are not permitted within Library premises.
  9. Do not write, underline or mark any book(s). Library book(s) are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for the damage.
  10. Only Students and Faculty Members of the College are eligible to borrow materials from the library. Borrowing privileges may differ depending on the membership category. The borrowing privileges are as under: Faculty Members: Two books will be issued to faculty members for 7 Days. Students: Two books will be issued to a student for 7 days.
  11. Any meeting both for students and staff is not allowed in library.
  12. Any student/library member caught mutilating or stealing library materials will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee and membership will be suspended till decision. If a student/library member continues this act, his/her membership will be permanently canceled.
  13. Library staff can ask anyone causing disturbance.
  14. Book(s) returned after due date, a fine of Rs.100/- per day per book will be charged.
  15. For Students Library card is must for borrowing and Returning Book(s) and other materials.
  16. A borrowed book may be renewed/re-issued for next 7 days if another user has not reserved/required the desired book(s). Overdue book(s) will not be renewed.
  17. Reference material, CD-ROMs, (original) periodicals, and newspapers will not be issued. They can only be consulted within the library premises.
  18. In case of loss or damage, Triple cost/price of the book shall be charged from the concern student/ library member.
  19. In case a book is urgently required, the librarian may recall it at a short notice any time and such a book shall be returned immediately by borrowers.
  20. All library fines will be paid to the accounts office. Library membership will be stopped if the fine is not paid.
  21. Book(s) will not be issued to a student on behalf of teachers.
  22. Book(s) for new semester will not be issued unless previous books are not returned.
  23. Clearance from library is must both for students and staff members at the end of each session (Semester Classes)
  24. Library will be closed for 15 days at the end of every Semester (after Classes) for stocktaking.
  25. High authority is empowered to issue further instructions or permit relaxation in these rules.